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BTEC Level 3 Music Technology

A-Level Mathematics

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This BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Music Technology is suitable for anyone who has an interest in Music Production or has studied the BTEC level 2 First in Music. It is not necessary to have instrumental lessons or play an instrument. This course is open to all musicians.

Courses Offered

BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Music Technology 2018 course.

Equivalent to 1 A level.

Syllabus Breakdown


  • Music and Sound for Media (Mandatory)

  • DAW Production (Mandatory)

  • Creative Syntheses and Sampling (Optional)

  • Remixing and reworking (Optional)

  • Mixing and Mastering Techniques (Optional)

  • Commercial Music Production (Optional)

Minimum Entry Requirements

Sixth Form entry requirements of a minimum of five GCSEs at grade 4 or above, including a grade 4 or above in GCSE or BTEC level 2 music.

Why Study This Subject?

Your Music Technology lessons will prove to be a welcome change from the subjects you are studying at a higher level. It could also complement an A Level in Music and BTEC Performance. You will enjoy the independence of dedicated time, as well as the support from your teachers and peers. You will have the chance to gain UCAS points from doing something you love.

Wider Opportunities

Students will enjoy participating in a wide range of extracurricular activities such as Music Technology Club and helping out at school events. We also arrange a number of visits to see live performances of world-class quality, such as the London Symphony Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, the Royal Opera House and Glyndebourne Opera.

What Our Students Say:


What Can I Do Next?

Music is a universal language, and this performance qualification will offer learners creative freedom within a structured framework. In studying Music Technology, you will develop your communication, independent learning, teamwork, analysis and evaluation.  This qualification could lead onto being a studio assistant, assistant sound designer, trainee sound engineer or any higher education qualifications.