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The members:
  • Are signatories to the articles of association (where they are founding members)
  • Can pass a special resolution to:
    • Amend the articles of association
    • Appoint new members or remove existing members
    • Direct trustees to take a specific action (where trustees are unable or unwilling to act in the best interests of the trust)
  • Can appoint trustees, according to the trust's articles of association, and can also remove serving trustees
  • Appoint and remove auditors
  • Can change the name of the trust, and ultimately wind up the trust


Members should:
  • Stay informed about how the board is performing, which includes receiving the trust's audited annual report and accounts 
  • Have an awareness of when they may need to exercise their powers to ensure effective governance


The DfE's preference is for there to be a significant degree of separation between members and trustees. As explained above, the updated model articles of association now require that the majority of members must not also serve as trustees. 


The Academy Trust has five members:
Sue Welch, Cath Connolly, Richard Picking, Paul Barnett and Beth Morris