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Knights Templar

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Courage & Courtesy in Everything We Do

Welcome to The Knights Templar School

Central to everything we do is the school’s motto
‘Courage and Courtesy’. We recognise the importance of
developing and providing all our students with the courage,
confidence and communication skills they require to flourish
and succeed, but also to promote traditional values of courtesy,
respect and good discipline.



Edward Hutchings

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Year 6 Secondary Transfer Open Evening & Mornings

Year 6 students and their parents and carers are warmly invited to visit our school
on Thursday 10th October from 18:00 until 21:00.


You will also be able to visit the school during the day

09:00 to 11:00 - on the 15th and 16th October.


To book one of the three headteacher presentations and/or an open morning, please click here.