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Knights Templar

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Your Views

Get in touch

The views of our students' parents and carers are important to us and we welcome comments, questions, concerns and suggestions.  Please click on Contact Us above to find contact details for the school, headteacher, chair of governors and other leaders.

Resolving issues

The Knights Templar School endeavours to provide the best education possible for all of its students in an open and transparent environment. We welcome any feedback that we receive from parents, students and third parties, and we accept that not all of this will be positive. Where concerns are raised the school intends for these to be dealt with fairly, openly, promptly and without prejudice.

If you need to raise an issue, please do so with the relevant member of staff in the first instance, who will be happy to talk to you and seek to establish a solution. If you are not satisfied with this response and believe the issue has not been resolved, please follow the process in the complaints policy.

Ofsted Parent View

Parent View allows parents and carers to give their views about their child’s school at any time of the year. It features 12 questions that cover a range of issues important to parents, such as how well the school deals with bullying, the quality of teaching, whether the level of homework given is appropriate and a final question of whether or not a parent would recommend the school. Once a small number of surveys are completed, the results for the school are visible in Parent View although individual responses are not.

Ofsted analyses the responses given by parents on a monthly basis. Many parents that are happy with their child’s school use Parent View to share their satisfaction or to show their support for the school. Where large numbers of survey results are critical of a school, inspectors will look at the information alongside other data, such as examination results, attendance records and complaint levels, to make a decision about whether or when to inspect the school.

We encourage parents and carers to complete the Ofsted Parent View survey, which you can do by clicking here