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Well-Being & Mental Health

Information Hub

Sometimes it is hard to know where to go for advice and support when your child or you are facing challenging times.  Below you will find information about support services for mental health and how to access them, either online or by telephone.

Please do contact your child's Year Leader to discuss any concerns you have, so that we can provide appropriate support in school. 

If you are aware of any services not included , please do let us know by clicking here.

Mental Health Service Directory

Hertfordshire Children and Young People's Mental Health Service Directory

Crisis Support

If you are worried about your own or someone else’s suicidal thoughts or feelings you can contact the below services for support:

  • In a life threatening situation call 999
  • Samaritans: free confidential support 24/7 call 116 123
  • Childline: free 24hr counselling service call 0800 1111
  • HPFT Single Point of Access (SPA) take referrals for NHS mental health services. Call 0300 777 0707 (8am - 7pm)
  • Contact your GP to make an urgent appointment to discuss your mental health needs
  • Nightlight Crisis Service if you are 18+ years you can seek support Fri - Mon, 6pm - midnight. Call 01923 256 391

General Mental Health Support

Big White Wall are an online support network for 16+ years.

Web: www.bigwhitewall.com

Healthy Young Minds in Herts provides information for children and young people on keeping mentally well and where to seek support

Web: www.healthyyoungmindsinherts.org.uk

Health for Kids provides information for children on staying healthy and understanding feelings.

Web: www.healthforkids.co.uk

Health for Teens provide an advice website on all aspects of health for teenagers, provided by the NHS.

Web: www.healthforteens.co.uk

Mind have information to better understand diagnoses and managing mental health on their website.

Web: www.mind.org.uk

Single Point of Access (SPA) HPFT’s SPA can put you in touch with the relevant NHS mental health service.

Tel: 0300 777 0707 (8am - 7pm)

Step 2 CAMHS is HCT’s early intervention mental health service for children up to 19 years. To self refer call SPA (see above).

The Mix information and support for the under 25’s covering a range of topics including mental health. Their helpline and webchat are open 11am - 11pm daily.

Tel: 0808 808 4994; Web: www.themix.org.uk

Wellbeing Service offer CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and group therapy to anyone over 16 years struggling with their mental health, visit the website to refer in.

Web: www.talkwellbeing.co.uk

Young Minds Provide information about all things mental health, from medication to coping strategies.

Web: www.youngminds.org.uk


Childline offer free, confidential counselling to under 19’s though their helpline and webchat.

Tel: 0800 1111; Web: www.childline.org.uk

Kooth provides free, anonymous online counselling for 10 - 25 year olds. You can IM counsellors Mon - Fri, midday-10pm, and Sat - Sun, 6pm - 10pm.

Web: www.kooth.com

Relate offer counselling to young people, and specialise in relationship troubles.

Tel: 0300 100 1234; Web: www.relate.org.uk

Tilehouse Counselling offer free, confidential counselling to 13 - 19 year olds in North Hertfordshire.

Tel: 01462 440 674; Email: info@tilehouse.org Web: www.tilehouse.org

Safe Space offer counselling, art therapies, mentoring and brief therapy for 5 - 19 year olds with schools and SPA.

Tel: 01992 588 796 (Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm); Email: safespacemailbox@hertfordshire.gov.uk


CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) offer support to young males struggling with low mood, self-harm and suicidal thoughts. Their helpline runs daily 5pm - midnight, or you can use their webchat.

Tel: 0800 585858; Web: www.thecalmzone.net

Self Harm UK offer support to individuals dealing with and recovering from self-harm.

Web: www.selfharm.co.uk

Self-Injury Support provide TESS, a support and information text service for females under 24 years who are struggling with self harm.

Tel: 0808 800 8088; Text: 0780 047 2908; Web: www.selfinjurysupport.org.uk

Suicidal Thoughts

Hector’s House was set up by the family of Hector who died by suicide. Their website offers on where you can seek further support.

Web: www.hectorshouse.org.uk

Papyrus Prevention of Young Suicide offer support through their helpline (HOPEline UK) to those under 35 years that are having thoughts of suicide Mon - Fri, 10am - 10pm, Weekends 2pm -10pm.

Tel: 0800 068 4141; Text: 07786 209 697; Web: www.papyrus-uk.org

Saneline provide information and have a helpline open 4:30pm - 10:30pm daily.

Tel: 0845 7678000; Web: www.sane org.uk

The OLLIE Foundation have a website with information on where you can seek further support if you’re having suicidal thoughts.

Web: www.theolliefoundation.org.uk