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Knights Templar

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This is a vibrant and successful school at the heart of the community with high expectations and a reputation for academic excellence.   

Central to everything we do is the school’s motto ‘Courage and Courtesy’. We recognise the importance of developing and providing all our students with the courage, confidence and communication skills they require to flourish and succeed, but also to promote traditional values of courtesy, respect and good discipline.   

We pride ourselves on giving our students a well-rounded education that prepares them for their future. We know students flourish if they lead rich and varied lives and are immensely proud of our exciting and wide ranging curricular and extra-curricular provision.   

Our most recent inspection – April 2023 

In April 2023 we welcomed colleagues from Ofsted, the Office for Standards in Education. Inspectors confirm that we continue to be a ‘Good’ school where safeguarding is effective. You can read the inspection report here

Headteacher Edward Hutchings said “The report is hugely positive, it confirms what we know about our school and supports us in our continuing school improvement journey.’ 

‘Pupils are happy, feel safe and are safe. They are kind to one another. Pupils want to succeed, they work hard in lessons and enjoy their subjects, they learn and achieve well.’ 

‘Staff have good subject knowledge and are appropriately trained to deliver the curriculum effectively. Staff have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour and manage behaviour well. As a result, the school is a calm and orderly environment. Pupils…say that the school values of ‘courage and courtesy’ are a part of their everyday school life.’ 

Many pupils enjoy the activities available during the school day, at lunchtime and afterschool. Such opportunities are a strong feature of the school. 

Thank you to all parents who responded to the Ofsted survey – your time and support are greatly appreciated.  

We are proud of our school and our students.