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School Council

School Council

The Student Council is a well-established and thriving forum, which allows students to make a real difference to the school. Each form is represented by one student, who is elected, and they meet to share ideas and raise concerns, ensuring the voice of all Knights Templar students is heard. Members of the School Council influence all areas of school life, including behaviour expectations, uniform, curriculum, teaching and learning.  Members of the School Council will often play a role in the appointment of new staff.  The School Council also works in collaboration with the Sixth Form Council to organise student-led initiatives. 

Once a term representatives of the School Council meet with school governors and senior leadership to encourage changes that will enhance all students’ experience of the school. 

Last year the Council succeeded in a number of areas, including:

  • Making the school greener with canteen containers replaced with more environmentally friendly alternatives;
  • Ensuring every Year 7 students has a biodegradable, reusable bottle;
  • Organising and running the Christmas Fete, which supporting student lead initiatives and local businesses;
  • Raising money to fund resources for extra-curricular activities.