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KS4 and KS5 Qualification Information

Coursework Calendar

This year's calendar is currently being updated, and will be online soon.

Click here for the Coursework Calendar spreadsheet.  

The above Coursework Calendar sets out the key windows and deadlines for students in years 10, 11, 12 and 13 who are studying for a qualification that includes assessments that are generally known as coursework.  Coursework refers to all assessments that count towards the final qualification grade that are not an exam, i.e., NEA (Non-Exam Assessment), Projects and Assignments.

Students can download the spreadsheet and create their own personalised schedule by carefully deleting subjects that they do not study.


  • Orange cells indicate the window that students will be working on coursework.
  • Green cells indicate the deadline week or specific date.
  • We have included key exam periods, but specific details will be communicated separately nearer the time. Where a subject has no orange or green cells, this indicates that assessment is only through exams.