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Knights Templar

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Years 7-11

If you are moving into the area and you would like your child to join The Knights Templar School, then you will need to make an In-Year Application.

Similarly, if your child is currently attending another local middle or secondary school and you would like them to join The Knights Templar School, you will need to follow the same process.  Hertfordshire County Council highlights that changing school without moving home can affect your child in many ways and provides advice to consider prior to making such a move.  This can be accessed here.

Making an In-Year Application

Applications for In-Year Admissions should be made via Hertfordshire County Council.  You can do this here.

A place at the school will only be offered if there is a vacancy in the appropriate year group.  You can check whether we have vacancies in a particular year group by clicking here.

If offered a place as part of an in-year application, your child will need to begin the school within two weeks of the offer being made.

Visiting the school

If offered a place, your child's new Year Leader will contact you to arrange an appointment for you and your child to visit the school.  It is not possible for us to provide visits for parents and carers and their children prior to a place being offered. 

Years 7-11