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Homework is a meaningful feature of school life. It allows students to develop the habit of study, to plan work within specified time limits and to undertake additional tasks, which will be a reinforcement or extension of work done within the classroom.  All homework tasks will be set on Satchel One, which can be accessed by students and parents and carers.

It is important that the homework habit is developed from Year 7. We would expect Year 7-9 to be working on minimum 45 minutes per night of regular homework. This should increase in Years 10 and 11 to a minimum of up to 1 hour and 30 minutes per night of regular homework. Sixth Form students following full academic courses should be applying themselves regularly and consistently to private study for a considerable part of each evening and over parts of the weekend. This is essential if they hope to secure good grades in national examinations.

We ask that parents and carers support their children with homework by:

  • providing a suitable place for homework to be completed quietly and undisturbed
  • checking Satchel One on a daily basis for work set and monitoring its completion
  • encouraging them to complete homework neatly and hand it in on time
  • supporting them to establish a homework routine and not to leave everything until the
    night before it is due
  • encouraging productive use of homework time even when homework has not been set e.g. reading programmes, research, and revision
  • communicating with the school on any problems which relate to homework
  • taking a positive and active interest in what is being done
  • reinforcing the value of homework by supporting the school when consequences for non-completion of homework are issued

The Role of Homework

Homework should help students to:

  • Reinforce, consolidate and extend work done in school
  • Prepare for school assessments and examinations
  • Develop good study habits and research skills
  • Highlight any difficulties they are experiencing
  • Develop independent learning skills
  • Provide access to additional resources not available in class
  • Promote self-confidence
  • Provide a link between home and school, giving parents/carers the opportunity to be involved with their children’s learning

Types of Homework

Homework can take various forms and the type of homework will vary from subject to subject. It may take the form of:

  • Written exercises
  • Observation and recording
  • Study and revision in preparation for class work or assessment
  • Research for later class work, or as an extension of classwork
  • Use of ICT and online learning
  • Writing up, or completion and consolidation of classwork
  • General reading to enhance knowledge, understanding and experience
  • Listening exercises

How much homework is set for students?

Homework will vary from subject to subject and from year level to year level. The amount of time spent on homework will vary from child to child, subject to subject and will depend upon the year stage.  However, the guide below will show the typical amount of homework that will be set for students.

Year 7

During their first half-term, Year 7 students receive a reduced amount of homework.  This will include:

  • English - 1 piece of homework not totalling more than 20-25 minutes
  • Mathematics - 1 piece of homework not totalling more than 20-25 minutes
  • Science - 1 piece of homework not totalling more than 20-25 minutes
  • Philosophy, Religion and Ethics - 1 piece of homework not totalling more than 20-25 minutes
  • History or Geography - 1 piece of homework not totalling more than 20-25 minutes
  • French – 1 Learning Homework

Following the October Half-Term Holiday Year 7 students should expect to receive an increased amount of homework:

English - a maximum of 1 piece of homework not totalling more than 25 minutes

Mathematics - a maximum of 1 piece of homework not totalling more than 25 minutes

Science - a maximum of 1 piece of homework not totalling more than 25 minutes

Philosophy, Religion and Ethics - a maximum of 1 piece of homework not totalling more than 25 minutes

History or Geography - a maximum of 1 piece of homework not totalling more than 25 minutes

French - 1 writing homework and 1 learning homework not totalling more than 25 minutes

Years 8 and 9

In a normal week, a student should expect to receive homework in the following subjects:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • Geography
  • History
  • French - 1 writing homework and 1 learning homework
  • German - 1 writing homework and 1 learning homework

Creative and Practical subjects may set homework that best fits the needs and requirements of their subject areas. This will differ from subject to subject.

Additional homework may be set as required in all subjects.

Years 10 and 11

All subject areas should set homework, which supports and develops independent learning and specifically best fits the needs and requirements of their subject areas.

Sixth Form

In a normal week, students should expect to receive homework, which suits the needs and requirements of the subject areas they are studying. Teachers will direct students towards activities and tasks, which will enrich and develop their learning. During Key Stage 5 we expect students to become more independent in their learning and take responsibility for engaging in self-directed activities.

We expect students to undertake their own research and to become responsible for their own learning. This will in turn enable them to prepare for the expectations of further study. For every hour of lesson time, students should be engaged in an equal amount of private study outside of lesson time, whether the teacher has set work or not.

In a two-week cycle, a student will attend 9 lessons per subject and should therefore being working an additional nine hours independent study in that area.