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Headteacher's Welcome

Headteacher's Welcome

This is a vibrant and successful school at the heart of the community with high expectations and a reputation for academic excellence.  

Central to everything we do is the school’s motto ‘Courage and Courtesy’. We recognise the importance of developing and providing all our students with the courage, confidence and communication skills they require to flourish and succeed, but also to promote traditional values of courtesy, respect and good discipline.  

We pride ourselves on giving our students a well-rounded education that prepares them for their future. We know students flourish if they lead rich and varied lives and are immensely proud of our exciting and wide ranging curricular and extra-curricular provision.  

The school is open to children of all abilities and backgrounds and our outstanding pastoral care ensures that every student receives the nurturing, support and guidance they need. As a central part of our community, we are proud of our excellent relationships with primary schools, local residents, businesses and other organisations. These links provide students with a sense of cohesion within this community and enables them to be active citizens. 

This is a great school, staffed with passionate, inspirational teachers, and is a special place for children to learn. If you would like to know more about the school or indeed if you would like to visit us during the day, please do not hesitate to contact us; we will be delighted to hear from you. 

Edward Hutchings 



Our vision is to be a vibrant, successful and inclusive school at the heart of the community, where everyone achieves their best, developing the courage and courtesy to own their futures and live fulfilled lives.

Mission & Aims

Strategic Plan 2022 - 25