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A-Level Further Mathematics

A-Level Further Mathematics

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Further Mathematics is an A Level qualification which both broadens and deepens the mathematics covered in A Level Mathematics. At the end of the course students get an A Level in Maths and an A Level in Further Maths.

 Mathematics is a universal part of human culture. It is the tool and language of commerce, engineering and other sciences - Physics, Computing, Biology etc. Mathematics is about pattern and structure; it is about logical analysis, deduction, calculation within these patterns and structures. When patterns are found, often in widely different areas of science and technology, the mathematics in these patterns can be used to explain and control natural happenings and situations. Mathematics has a pervasive influence on our everyday lives.

Courses Offered

9MA0 A2 Mathematics

9FM0 A2 Further Mathematics


Syllabus Breakdown

Over the two years of the course, you will firstly study the Pure and Applied content studied for the Mathematics A-Level. The Applied content covers a mixture of Mechanics and Statistics. You will then go on to study Pure content in more detail, as well as potentially covering other Applied content.

Pure Modules - The Pure modules cover topics within algebra, coordinate geometry, calculus, trigonometry, mathematical modelling and more.

Mechanics - this offers topics such as vectors, collisions, kinematics and dynamics, centres of mass and collisions.

Statistics - this offers an insight into measures of location and dispersion, correlation and regression, probability and the normal distribution.

Decision – a relatively new branch of mathematics, used to solve problems such as finding the quickest way to sort a long list of numbers and how a travelling salesperson can do the least travelling.

For more detail on the above see the Open Evening Presentation for mathematics on the Sixth Form website

Minimum Entry Requirements

In addition to our general Sixth Form entry requirements of five GCSEs at grade 4 or above, students will need to achieve a grade 8 or 9 at GCSE Mathematics and to have been in set 1 or exceptional in set 2.

Why Study Mathematics?

Students taking Further Mathematics find it to be an enjoyable, rewarding, stimulating and empowering experience. It both extends and deepens your knowledge and understanding beyond the standard A-Level Mathematics.

Students taking Further Mathematics find that the additional time spent studying mathematics boosts their marks in single Mathematics.

Some prestigious universities require you to have a Further Maths qualification and others may adjust their grade requirements more favourably to students with Further Mathematics.

Wider Opportunities

If a student requires STEP or AEA to go to certain universities, the department will endeavour to facilitate some extra-curricular tuition.

​Occasionally students are taken to mathematical lectures to hear inspiring speakers

What Our Students Say:

“Those of us who had done Further Maths were really at an advantage when we started our Engineering course.”

 “The pace of the work is fast and challenging and the work is really interesting.”

 “My favourite module was D1 and I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to do it in single Maths.”

 “Further Maths gives you an underlying knowledge of the topics you will cover further in the first year of a Maths degree, and also helps you to develop the analytical skills you will need to tackle many of the more complicated problems you will come across.”

 “Further Maths is set out really well here with a separate class just for double students.”

What Can I Do Next?

Mathematicians are employable in diverse industries such as the financial sector, transport modelling, and computing.  A Levels in both Maths and Further Maths will open the doors to many exciting careers but also to most degree courses. An A Level in Further Maths will enable you to distinguish yourself as an able Mathematician in your application for university and future employment.