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GCSE French


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Below you will find more specific information about the curriculum in French for students who have chosen this subject for GCSE, explaining to you what students will learn, when, why and how. There is also information about how parents/carers are able to support students in their learning, extra-curricular opportunities in this subject and how it links to other subjects and the wider world.

Subject Key Concepts





Please click here for Subject Key Concepts.

Please click here for a PDF independent learning board.


Please click here to see what our students (Year 7-13) had to say about studying a language.

Useful documents:

Please click here for a PDF of the current scheme of work for Year 10.  (Final exams summer 2026)

Please click here for a PDF of the current curriculum overview for Year 11.  (Final exams summer 2025)

While this information covers a broad range of areas, please do get in touch with the Subject Leader Mrs Carlyle if you have any questions.

Please click on the questions below to find out more.

Which exam board will students be examined by?

AQA (current GCSE) final exam 2025

Edexcel (teaching from September 2024)

How are groups organised?

Groups to be decided after options are chosen.

What characteristics does a successful student have in this subject?

Successful language learners will have a ‘give it a go’ approach to communicating in the foreign language. They will be systematic in their vocabulary learning and show a willingness to get to grips with the grammar behind the language.

How will students learn at this level?

  • Learning and recycling new vocabulary and structures.
  • Listening carefully in order to improve pronunciation.
  • Participating in class speaking activities.
  • Taking part in classroom games.
  • Using language websites to support your learning.

How will students’ learning be assessed at this level?

You will have regular end of unit assessments. We will normally assess two skills at a time, e.g. listening and writing or speaking and reading.

When do key assessments take place?

In Year 10, students are assessed internally at the end of each unit and during the Summer exam period.

In Year 11, students will sit mock exams which will include all four skills and there will be an extra speaking practise exam in the spring term.

Final exams take place from April/May of Year 11, beginning with the speaking exams.

How can parents/carers support students’ learning?

Allowing you to put post-it notes around your room to help you memorise key vocabulary and structures would also help, as would access to a computer or phone so that you can use online resources, such as Quizlet and Activelearn.

What equipment do students need for this subject?

No specific equipment is necessary.

How does this subject link to other subjects?

There are many cross-curricular links within languages. In your lessons, you will deepen your understanding of different cultures through learning about the history, geography and religious context of the countries whose language you are studying as well as the art, music and film which has come from those countries. You will also learn about traditional food and may be able to try some!

What websites or resources may be helpful to support students’ learning?







Please ask your teacher for help with logins and passwords, where necessary.

What extra-curricular or enrichment opportunities are available for students in this subject at this level?

Where possible, we organise trips abroad. In the past, students have been to: Brittany, Madrid, Cologne and Paris.

What sort of careers can this subject lead to?

A language can be very useful in many different areas in the world of work as communication skills are prized in all careers. Linguists have highly transferable skills which are in demand in the workplace.

See the following link for ideas of where a language degree could take you: https://www.prospects.ac.uk/careers-advice/what-can-i-do-with-my-degree/modern-languages

What does student work look like in this subject at this level?



How does this subject support a broad and balanced curriculum, meeting the needs of all students, and developing traditional core skills?

  • Creativity:

    We encourage students to be creative in their use of the language. This could be through writing a poem, creating a comic strip or poster or producing a short video.

  • Critical Thinking:

    We encourage students to consider cultural differences thoughtfully and to form, express and justify their opinions on a range of issues.

  • Practice, Perseverance and Resilience:

    Some of the best learning happens when we make mistakes or encounter obstacles. We encourage determination in our students to keep going in the face of these challenges and to explore different ways of learning and resources to support them. We encourage students to learn vocabulary and structures using all of the tools available to them and to get into a regular habit of learning language.

  • Making Links:

    In lessons, we draw on students’ knowledge and understanding from other subjects to enrich their language learning.

How does this subject promote creativity, critical thinking, practice, perseverance and resilience, and making links?

  • Creativity:

    We encourage students to be creative in their use of the language. This could be through writing a poem, creating a comic strip or poster or producing a short video.

  • Critical Thinking:

    We encourage students to consider cultural differences thoughtfully and to form, express and justify their opinions on a range of issues.

  • Practice, Perseverance and Resilience:

    Some of the best learning happens when we make mistakes or encounter obstacles. We encourage determination in our students to keep going in the face of these challenges and to explore different ways of learning and resources to support them. We encourage students to learn vocabulary and structures using all of the tools available to them and to get into a regular habit of learning language.

  • Making Links:

    In lessons, we draw on students’ knowledge and understanding from other subjects to enrich their language learning.

How does this subject encourage enrichment and the development of cultural capital, deep learning, and inclusivity?

  • Enrichment / Cultural Capital:

    Students will gain a greater understanding of different cultures and learn to comment on differences and similarities when related to their own experiences in an informed way.

  • Substance / Deep Learning:

    Language is presented and revisited in different contexts so that it is embedded. Consistent use is also made of retrieval practice to deepen understanding.

  • OPEN and inclusive:

    We promote inclusivity in our lessons by ensuring all students can access and relate to the curriculum.