Mathematics - Year 7
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Below you will find more specific information about the curriculum in Philosophy, Religion and Ethics for Year 9 students, explaining to you what students will learn, when, why and how. There is also information about how parents/carers are able to support students in their learning, extra-curricular opportunities in this subject and how it links to other subjects and the wider world.
Subject Key Concepts
#1 Beliefs and Practices #2 Sources of Wisdom #3 Symbols and Actions #4 Prayer, Worship and Reflection
#5 Identity and Belonging #6 Ultimate Questions #7 Human Responsibility and Values #8 Justice and Fairness
Please click here for Subject Key Concepts.
Curriculum Overview for the Autumn/Spring Term
Useful documents:
Please click here for a PDF of curriculum overview Autumn Term.
Please click here for a PDF of curriculum overview Spring Term.
While this information covers a broad range of areas, please do get in touch with the Subject Leader Mrs Wells if you have any questions.
Please click on the questions below to find out more.
How are groups organised?
Classes are mixed ability; they have two lessons per fortnight
What characteristics does a successful student have in this subject?
Successful students will be inquisitive and enjoy asking questions. They will enjoy completing work that supports these skills
How will students learn at this level?
- Taught lessons and power-points
- Practising different written skills
- Discussion
- Peer and teacher assessment
- Group, pair and individual work
- Homework that encourages and extends learning
How will students’ learning be assessed at this level?
Year 9 students will have x3 assessments throughout the year.
They are given a question relating to their learning and they are required to write an essay style answer giving for, against and their own opinion. This is starting to then develop the skills they use throughout KS3 and are essential for KS4.
When do key assessments take place?
X 1 assessment per term
How can parents/carers support students’ learning?
- Review the above to understand what is taught in PRE lessons.
- Offer support with homework
- Encourage students to read around the subject areas, including daily news and watching current affairs programmes
What equipment do students need for this subject?
Essential school equipment
How does this subject link to other subjects?
- English – accurate writing skills
- Art – drawing / creative skills
- Geography – looking at the geographical placement of religions
- History – historical background of the religion is often essential
What websites or resources may be helpful to support students’ learning?
True tube
BBC news
What extra-curricular or enrichment opportunities are available for students in this subject at this level?
Philosophy Club
What sort of careers can this subject lead to?
- Teacher
- Any religious vocation
- Social Work
- Police
- Doctor / Nurse (Ethics topics)
- Law
What does student work look like in this subject at this level?
How does this subject support a broad and balanced curriculum, meeting the needs of all students, and developing traditional core skills?
How does this subject promote creativity, critical thinking, practice, perseverance and resilience, and making links?