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Sending an e-mail

An example email

An example email showing correct presentation

Knowing how to present and write an email appropriately is important.  If you do this well, you will make the best first impression on the person to whom you are writing .  

You should remember that, while email uses the same/similar technology as sending a DM or text message, it is a more formal type of communication – you should think of it as sending a letter.


Always say what the email is about in the ‘Subject’ box, underneath where you add the email address of the person you are writing to.

For example ‘Today’s worksheet’ ‘Year 9 French work’ ‘My login for SMHW’

Greeting and Valediction

As with any letter, you should open your email with a greeting.

For example ‘Dear Mr Jones’ or ‘Hello Mrs Smith’ or ‘Good Morning Miss Taylor’

Always sign off your email, as you would a letter, with a valediction (closing statement, some examples are below) and then your name on the line below.

For example ‘Best wishes’  ‘Thank you’ ‘Regards’ ‘I look forward to hearing from you’

Writing Accurately

Emails can be brief, but they should also be polite - use correct spelling, capital letters and punctuation don’t forget to say please and thank you.

For example ‘can u put the sheet on smhw? i cant find it’ should be ‘Please can you put the sheet on SMHW? I can’t find it.’