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Technology - Year 7

Mathematics - Year 7

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Below you will find more specific information about the curriculum in Technology for Year 7 students, explaining to you what students will learn, when, why and how. There is also information about how parents/carers are able to support students in their learning, extra-curricular opportunities in this subject and how it links to other subjects and the wider world.

Subject Key Concepts

                                                             #1 Creativity             #2 Planning          #3 Materials

                                                                     #4 Analysis        #5 Sustainable Futures

Please click here for Subject Key Concepts.

Curriculum Overview for the year

Year 7

Wooden toy


Textiles - Cushion



Specific knowledge and skills

Students will be introduced to the safe use of tools and machinery. This will enable them to have the skills for future projects. Students will design and make a Wooden Toy using Pine, Poplar and Beech.


The following will be the focus:

·         Health and Safety in the workshop and the following of rules

·         Safe use of tools and machinery

·         Timber Theory- understanding grain and strength of wood

·         Use of basic and more advanced tools. Tenon saw, pillar drill, belt sander, disc sander, try square, steel rule

·         Finishing techniques (Timber) and simple joining techniques

·         An understanding of the design process

·         Making stickers using CAD/CAM

·         Technical drawing

·         Evaluating


Students will be introduced to a variety of electronic components, the safe use of soldering irons and programming of a PIC microchip to make an electronic dice. Students will also be introduced to plastic processes- specifically vacuum forming.


The following will be the focus:

·         Health and safety in the electronics room and the following of rules

·         Safe use of soldering equipment

·         Component theory- recognising the names of different components and  understanding what the different component’s functions are

·          An understanding of vacuum forming and its place in industry

Students will be introduced to the safe use of equipment in the textiles classroom.

Students will follow a design brief to research and develop ideas for their cushion.  Students will then design and make cushions using both hand and machine sewing techniques.


The following will be the focus:

·         Health and safety in the textiles room and the following of rules.

·         Safe use of equipment including pins, needles, fabric paint, fabric shears and sewing machines

·         An understanding of the design process

·         Running stitch, back stitch, appliqué, fabric stencil, buttons

·         Seam allowance and creating a plain seam

·         Embellishment techniques such as beading and sequins

Students will be introduced to health and safety while making a range of products such as fruit salad and rock cakes.


The following will be the focus:

·         Knife skills such as bridge and claw grip

·         Hygiene

·         Health and safety

·         Time management

·         Washing/clearing up

·         Enzymatic browning

·         Use of the oven

·         Use of the hob

·         Rubbing in method

·         Shorting

·         Correct food storage

Students will be introduced to health and safety while creating products using CAD/CAM


The following will be the focus:

·         Laser set up

·         Creative use of CAD

·         Size of component pieces

·         Timber theory, understanding sources of material

·         Adhesive for joining materials

·         Incorporating ‘bought in’ components

·         Time management



Key terms

Hardwood, softwood, coniferous, deciduous, wasting, isometric, evaluation.

Printed circuit board, soldering, component,   resistor, light emitting diode, tilt switch, HIPs, vacuum forming.

Running stitch, back stitch, appliqué, fabric stencil, seam allowance, plain seam.


Health and safety, bridge and claw grip, rubbing in method, hygiene.

CAD/CAM, 2D Design software, circle, radius, degrees in a circle, text size and font style, copy, paste, line colour, mechanism, PVA glue


Generating Ideas

Working with materials

Testing and evaluation

Planning and knowledge

Working with materials

Generating Ideas

Working with materials


Working with materials

Generating ideas

Testing and evaluation

Useful documents:

Please click here for a PDF of curriculum overview.

Please click here for a PDF recipe for Fairy Cakes.
Please click here for a PDF recipe for Fresh Fruit Salad.
Please click here for a PDF recipe for Rock Cakes.
Please click here for a PDF recipe for Scones.
Please click here for a PDF recipe for Vegetable Stir Fry (extra lesson).

While this information covers a broad range of areas, please do get in touch with the Subject Leader Mrs Ellis if you have any questions.

Please click on the questions below to find out more.

How are groups organised?

Classes are mixed ability. Lessons are based on approximately 6 week rotations so that students have the opportunity to experience different areas of Design and Technology during their academic year. The students have four one-hour lessons per fortnight.

What characteristics does a successful student have in this subject?

The most successful students in this subject will enjoy working practically, will be passionate about creating useful products, will enjoy problem solving and working out how things are made.

How will students learn at this level?

  • Watching practical demonstrations
  • Practising different skills
  • Using the internet to support your learning
  • Trial and error when experimenting with different materials
  • Observing your peers
  • Develop analysing and evaluative skills

How will students’ learning be assessed at this level?

You will be assessed in two different areas during each rotation. You will use assessment sheets which will help to understand how you can progress in each area. Your teacher will also give you both verbal and written feedback during lessons.

When do key assessments take place?

Work is assessed at the end of each rotation. Each rotation is approximately six weeks.

How can parents/carers support students’ learning?

Encourage you to discuss your projects at home, perhaps research topics/recipes independently. Answer surveys and questionnaires, encourage you to watch design and manufacturing programme on the TV and visit exhibitions.

What equipment do students need for this subject?

  • Essential school equipment
  • Apron
  • The Faculty will support students with equipment if there is an economic need

How does this subject link to other subjects?

  • Science and computing– investigations and programming
  • Maths – weighing & measuring
  • English – reading, writing, communication
  • Art – presentation and drawing skills
  • Geography – Food provenance
  • PSHE – Food choices

What websites or resources may be helpful to support students’ learning?



What extra-curricular or enrichment opportunities are available for students in this subject at this level?

  • We open our workshops to students at lunch and after school to work on your projects.
  • There is a textiles club you can join.
  • You can also help with other school events such as the school production!

What sort of careers can this subject lead to?

Too many to list here but they include:

Product Designer

All branches of engineering, Architect

Materials scientist, Aerospace, Car design, Mechanic, Carpenter, Food Styling, Chef, Food Journalism/PR, Nutritionist/Dietician, Buyer, Catering, Education, Environmental health, Hospitality, Sports science, Photography, Food science

What does student work look like in this subject at this level?

This part of the website is currently under construction. 

How does this subject support a broad and balanced curriculum, meeting the needs of all students, and developing traditional core skills?

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How does this subject promote creativity, critical thinking, practice, perseverance and resilience, and making links?

This part of the website is currently under construction. 

How does this subject encourage enrichment and the development of cultural capital, deep learning, and inclusivity?

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